Love without expectation of reward
Perspective for Nigeria e.V.
Dear Friends
This is introducing our NGO Perspective for Nigeria. The PFN is a non-Profit, non-government organisation which would among it,s many aims and objectives will raise fund to build a vocational training centre where disadvantage youths in Nigeria are offered dual educational system which combine practical and theoretical method of learning.
The center will train and equip up to 500 youths in proffessional fields such as Mechanics, Cleaners,Fashion Designers, Midwives,Farmers,Electricians,Hospitality workers,Hair dressers,Painters Backers, Security guards,Drivers among other skills.
The vocational centre will also empower women and help them create small scale enterprise because in most cases when the women succeed the whole family succeed.
The centre will provide grants to our graduating students to start thier own business turning them to start ups, however to access the fund they must signed an undertaking to also train a youth in our vocational training centre. By this we aim to create a multiplier effect.
Nigeria have a huge population, millions of youths, to build a better Nigeria this is what Perspective for Nigeria is fighting for and this is what we want to get a resolution on and give hope to these disadvantage youths in Nigeria.
This is an idea which infact matters to the rest of Africa and Europe. In contributing to this hope generating and life changing program Europe will be helping to prevent distabilisation of Nigeria and West Africa. This will reduce the numbers of irregular migration to Europe.
The attempt to stop this migration to Europe by soliciting the assistance of the North African countries is obviously not working as this collide with the core values on humanity and human right. PFN approach provide more effective, humane and result oriented handling of the refugees problem.
Our plan to build the vocational training centre in Lagos, the most populated city in Nigeria will afford the youths in Lagos and Nigeria an opportunity to build a better future and help to contribute positively to building a better Nigeria.
We are also asking the donor nations to expand the platform, where public and private collaboration can be promoted so that private initiative like ours can access funds for our projects.
The task at hand is huge and diverse we need all hands on deck to make meaniful impact. We understand that our effort will make impact due to the fact that we are dealing and speaking directly to the beneficiaries,the youths.Dealing directly with the youths gives us insight to the challenges and understanding of the challenges help us to have a good sence of the solution. We can therefore act more quickly to help the people.
Living in Europe expose us to knowlegeable fact about how successful societies are developed.An experience that will help us in our quest for a better Nigeria.
WE have an obligation to help the people, our project is aim to bring hope to the people, who happens to be my people, let us not do it from the angle of pity but let compassion be our guide so that our action is directed and control by love, hopefully we can make the world a better place.
It will take one act of kindness, one act of compassion, one act of love to bring hope to hopeless situation. When we give one child hope we destroy hopelessness.
It is our pleasure to invite you and your organisation to be part of this mission, by joining hands with us to give our fellow humans, who indeed need this help now at this moment a human worthy life of Freedom, Hope,Liberty and Perspective.
Thank you for your co-operation in advance
God bless you
Daniel Abiodun Iduh
Perspective for Nigeria